Health Projects

Health programs

NISCVT health programs address all family members in the camps:
  • Six specialized dental clinics for children in six camps (Nahr El-Bared, Beddawi, Shatila, Ein El Hillweh, Rashidieh, Burj Shemali) which carry free treatments and awareness sessions for dental health care.
  • A Mental Health program for children and youth (Family Guidance Center) operates through five clinics in Beirut, Nahr El-Bared, Beddawi, Saida and El Buss for assessment, therapy and rehabilitation for all family members including training and awareness for the families and caregivers.
  • Five Reproductive Health centers provide treatment and counseling for the youth in Beirut (Burj Barajneh), north (Nahr El-Bared & Beddawi), south (Burj Shemali & Rashidieh).
  • Pediatric clinic in Nahr El-Bared center.