Family Guidance Center / Saida - Weekly Activities

Family Guidance Center / Saida - Weekly Activities

Family Guidance Center / Saida - Weekly Activities
The center's activities during the first and second week of October On 1-10 - a meeting for the new parents in the center to discuss their children's treatment plans and the importance of their commitment to the laws of the center.

On the occasion of World Mental Health Day and under the title let’s talk about mental health, the center organized the following activities:
1- On 7-10 the center organized an activity for children and adolescents and a workshop for mothers.
2- On 10-12, the center organized a lecture for mothers on the importance of mental health with psychologist, Layal Khalifa.
3- On 10/13 - the center organized a lecture for fathers on the importance of mental health with psychologist Mohamed Arabi